Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Well, the good news about my mom has done a complete 180.

Her doctor called her on Friday and said the pathology report came back showing liver cancer that has metastisized from the lung. A second report said that she tested positive for markers for colon cancer. A third report said that 2/3 of the liver biopsies were cancer free.

Needless to say, we are frustrated and confused and distraught.

We know God is in control, but sometimes in our humanity, we fail to rest in His comfort and peace and we let our minds go to the dark valleys of our worst fears.

My sister, Jill, and I had just spoken on the phone on Sunday and had voiced our concerns and fears to each other.

Not five minutes went by when my phone rang. It was Jill. Again.

I answered it. Jill proceeded to tell me how she was watching my niece, Ava, playing with her toys.

Out of the blue, Ava sang, "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do."

Boy, did we need to hear that!
Isn't God good?

If you think of it today, please pray for my mom and dad. They will be seeing an oncologist at University of Pennsylvania. Hopefully, we'll have some answers.


Momma Gesswein said...

I am praying for your family, amy. Though I don't know you well, I can understand, in part, how you may be feeling, I remember receiving hard diagnosis/tests regarding my mom, and that babe's mouth reminded you of the most supreme diagnosis. God's control over every part of our lives.

Kristin said...

We will be praying too! Hopefully the appointment at U of P will go well.

Anonymous said...

We will be thinking and praying for your mom. Sending hugs....