Tuesday, July 8, 2008

No Crust Planet

The other day at [our usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich] lunch, Evan looks at me with a scrunchy face and says, "I'm allergic to crust."

I looked at him with the 'OH REALLY' eyebrow half-cocked and said, "Allergic to crust, huh? What planet are you on?"

Without missing a beat, he answered, "No Crust Planet." That must be where all my superhero boys live.


Megan said...

That is too funny! I love the picture of the superhero boys. I want a copy!

Danielle said...

that picture is hysterical, all three boys look so much alike there, just like their daddy. What fun little boys are!

Lori said...

Amy, I've had so much fun looking at your blog! :-) Your boys are ADORABLE...

I'll be sure to check back often...it's always fun to reunite with "old" (and I don't mean you are old!) friends!