The boys practically LIVED in the thing last week during our beautiful warm weather. And yesterday, we took it with us to Aunt Megan's house and all the cousins [that are walking :)] got to jump around in it. THANK YOU, CINDI - this is the gift that keeps on giving...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Jump, Jump
Monday, April 28, 2008
It's Raining, It's Pouring...
Nathan on the deck steps - isn't he a cutie pie? Nath checking out this weird tree that started growing in our mulch bed last year. Mark says it's a "junk tree" - whatever that means. Check out the full photo below - any guesses on what it could be? We'd love to know...
We'll have been in our house 8! years next month. Our property used to farmland, so there's a serious lack of trees and shade!! Stinks in the summer, but I guess it's kind of nice that we don't have to rake in the fall. Anyway, this is one of our trees that we planted. Don't know how much shade it's going to offer at the rate it's going. :)
My phlox - love this plant - comes back every year and spreads, too!! I have trouble keeping things alive, so I love my perennials!!! :)
Friday, April 25, 2008
5 for Friday
1. The Voice-Activated Claw - you know, like the one in Toy Story. The one that travels along a track, zips down, and picks something up, travels back and deposits it in the dispenser. Why don't they make these for family vehicles?? It'd be perfect in an SUV or a mini-van. Do you know how many times I could have used this?? Driving down the road and someone calls from the backseat they dropped their ________ [fill in the blank - binky, blanket, cup, toy, book , etc] If I had the VAC, all I'd have to do is say, 'Binky,' and the VAC would do its thing, depositing in the rightful owner's lap. No crying, no pulling over, no reckless driving while trying to fetch said objects [I, of course, don't do that].
2. While we're on the car thing, why don't family vehicles come with an optional soundproof window between the front and back seats? Like the kind they have in police cars or cabs. It is VERY distracting to be driving with a screaming kid in the backseat. Just push a button, the soundproof window is up, and all is well.
3. High-chair Bubble - this one is a collaboration of our church homegroup. Wouldn't it be nice if there were some kind of half dome surrounding the seat of the high chair to collect all the lovely projectiles that fly off the tray?
4. If we can't have the High Chair Bubble, then at least, could somebody PLEASE invent a self-cleaning kitchen floor??? How hard can it be? Haven't we had self-cleaning ovens for like 50 years now??
5. This last one is not an idea. Ran out of them :) But I did want to share my latest scrapbook page - you know, the one that I worked on 2 weeks ago when I said that I was feeling the creative urge? Yeah, it's taken me this long to finally post it. You can call me Queen of Procrastination.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ryan: I want to go up in the sky, mommy.
Me: That would be really cool to be able to fly up there like a bird, huh?
Ryan: I need a ladder.
:) Love the way this little man thinks :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
In the Bag
Mom: Evan, today when we go register for kindergarten, there might be some kindergarten
teachers there who might ask you some questions. They might have you write your name or jump up and down, I don't know. But, all you have to do is answer them and show them how smart you are.
Evan: I've got it in the bag, mom. Don't worry.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Five for Friday
2. All Evan wanted for his birthday was a goldfish, so we went out and got him our very first pet on Tuesday. He was SO excited! When I asked him what he was going to name him, he said, "Goldfish" followed by "Buddy" followed by "I love you Buddy." He's so darn cute!
3. Said goldfish died last night. :(
"Look, Dad, the fish is sleeping on his side this morning."
"Yep, don't wake him up."
My wonderful hubby spent 1 1/2 hours and $5 in gas this morning hunting down 3 10 cent goldfish to replace our loss :)
4. I had 3 nights out this week - lucky me, huh? :) Monday, I had a dinner with my women's Bible study, Wednesday, I had a MOPS steering team meeting, and last night, I had dinner out with 3 of my best friends from high school. I was thinking today how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends. Even though each night was spent with different women, they were all full of laughter and sharing and understanding. I am so thankful for these relationships. And I am extremely blessed to have a hubby that loves me enough to allow me to nurture my friendships. :) :) :)
5. I registered my baby boy for kindergarten today :( I cannot believe that my little guy will be going to school every day in the fall. Time sure does fly...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
The Gift of Sabbath Rest
"...of a migrant South African tribe that regularly went on long marches. Day after day they would tramp the roads. But then, all of a sudden, they would stop walking and make camp for a couple days. When asked why they stopped, the tribe explained that they needed the time of rest so that their souls could catch up with them." (p. 184)
I LOVE this concept of slowing down to let my soul catch up. Taking care of 3 young children and a house - HA! (hey, I try) - keeps me running some days at what feels like light speed. Even trying to "make time for myself" wears me out because I inevitably stay up entirely too late. I'm so glad that God has given me a day of rest to help my soul catch up with the rest of me - to help me balance out again and give me a fresh perspective to start my week. Now I just need to give myself permission to s-l-o-w down!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Five for Friday
Nathan in his Easter finery.
Evan all dressed up.
Ryan looking so handsome!
Nathan and Cousin Ava looking adorable together.
Love this pic!
Evan, Ryan, and Cousins Abby & Chris on the starting line of the egg hunt...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A New Woman
Might not last long though because my first "real" meal tonight was cheeseburgers on the grill and homemade oven fries - Yummy, Yum, Yum! Only thing that would have made that better would have been a homemade chocolate shake, but thought my stomach wasn't quite ready for so much dairy.
Anyway, here's to feeling better after feeling like you've been run over by a truck :)
Hoping to post some pics later this week of our Easter....stay tuned.